Network of African National Human Rights Institutions

What We Do

Our work is to support, through national, sub-regional, regional and international co-operation, the establishment, strengthening and development of national human rights institutions in order to enable them to more effectively undertake their mandate of human rights monitoring, promotion, protection and advocacy.

Thematic Areas

Business & Human Rights

This regional supplement to Business and Human Rights – A Guidebook for National Human Rights Institutions introduces African regional frameworks and standards relevant to business and human rights  Learn More


We provide NHRI’s with practical assistance and support to its individual member institutions to enable them to more effectively undertake their own human rights protection, monitoring, promotion and advocacy. Learn More

Conflict & Peace Building

Strengthening the role of NHRIs in conflict prevention, resolution and peace‐building with a focus on East African Community NHRIs. Learn More

Equality & Non-Discrimination

An initial conversation with NHRIs was held in 2013 on the role of NHRIs in promoting the rights of (potentially) vulnerable groups in society. Learn More

Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity & Expression

This project aims at strengthening the capacity of African NHRIs to effectively engage on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) issues as well as the affected communities. Learn More

General Capacity Building of NHRIs

An initial conversation with NHRIs was held in 2013 on the role of NHRIs in promoting the rights of (potentially) vulnerable groups in society and the focus was on older persons, Learn More

Cooperation with Regional Human Rights Mechanism

NANHRI, in full appreciation of the importance of the African Human Rights System, continuously seeks to enhance the interface between African NHRI’s and the Regional Human Rights mechanisms. Learn More

Strategic Plan

Priorities & Strategic Objectives

NANHRI’s goals and objectives as per its 2015-2019 strategic plan are drawn from the Network’s Constitution and constitute a statement of purpose for the organization. Stakeholders have validated them almost universally and therefore they have been retained as defined Strategic Priorities. Learn More

General Capacity Building of NHRIs

Equipping member institutions with the necessary skills and knowledge to better perform their duties of promoting and protecting human rights. Learn More

Cooperation With Regional Human Rights Mechanism

NANHRI, in full appreciation of the importance of the African Human Rights System, continuously seeks to enhance the interface between African NHRI’s and the Regional Human Rights mechanisms and more so the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights. Learn More