Dates: 27-29 November 2023
Venue: Nairobi, Kenya
Format: Hybrid: In-Person (For Participants) and Virtual (For Some Experts)
The Network of African National Human Rights Institutions (NANHRI) in partnership with the Raoul Wallenberg Institute (RWI) cordially invites you the media to cover the End of Project Evaluation Workshop on Trainings on Litigation Before African Human Rights Treaty Bodies and Follow-Up on Implementation of the Decisions. The workshop will be held in Nairobi, Kenya, from the 27th to the 29th of November 2023.
Journalists are invited to attend and cover the opening session of the workshop on the 27th of November 2023, at 9:00am
The Opening remarks will be from
- Gilbert Sebihogo – Executive Director – NANHRI
- A representative – Raoul Wallenberg Institute (RWI)
- A representative – Open Society Justice Initiative
- Participants
Participants will be primarily drawn from the leadership and technical staff of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) which participated in the training, peer NHRIs, experts, and development partners.
- Objective
The objective of this workshop is to evaluate the results of the Litigation and Implementation program under the auspices of the Regional Africa Program (RAP) 2019-2023 which is coming to an end. The workshop will also incorporate capacity building and peer learning towards enhancing the achievement of the program’s outcomes.
For further information please contact:
Gilbert Sebihogo, Executive Director, Network of African National Human Rights Institutions, Email: Gsebihogo@nanhri.org; Tel: +254 710 867264
Ms. Deborah Nyokabi, Program Officer, Regional & International Mechanisms, Email: dnyokabi@nanhri.org; Tel: +254 (0) 713547181
For media Enquiries, please contact
NANHRI: Loyce Odhiambo – Communications & Advocacy Officer lodhiambo@nanhri.org; Tel: +254 (0) 720609651
NANHRI: Dylan Wainaina, Communications Assistant communications.intern@nanhri.org;
Tel: +254 (0) 790054019