Network of African National Human Rights Institutions

The African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights and NANHRI signed an MOU to signal our collaboration to promote and protect human rights in Africa.

On the 3rd of June 2024, the African Court on Human & Peoples’ Rights (AfCHPR) and the Network of African National Human Rights Institutions (NANHRI) entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to fortify their relationship and bolster collaborative efforts in safeguarding human rights on the continent.

The Memorandum of Understanding was signed by the President of the Court, Lady Justice Imani Daud Aboud, and NANHRI’s Chairperson, Advocate Joseph Whittal, who also serves as the Chairperson of Ghana’s Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice. This signing took place on behalf of their respective institutions at the commencement of the 73rd Ordinary Session of the Court, held at its seat in Arusha, Tanzania.

Advocate Joseph Whittal – “This is the beginning of what we believe to be a long-term relationship in which we will learn with and from each other through collaborative engagements on issues of mutual interest. It is an opportunity to address shared concerns, identify common interests and foster greater understanding and to develop capacity to address the issues of global concern such as climate justice, deepening democracy and rule of law, as well as social inclusion and human development.”