Network of African National Human Rights Institutions

NANHRI participates in laying of the foundation stone of the building of the Permanent Secretariat of the ACHPR in Banjul, the Gambia.

NANHRI Chairperson Dr Elasto Hilarious Mugwadi joined  commissioners of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights in laying the foundation stone of the Permanent Secretariat of the ACHPR in Bijilo, Banjul, the Gambia on October 20, 2022. The Government of the Gambia issued the title deed, allowing for commencement of building the official seat of the ACHPR. Top insert: Dr Mugwadi laying the foundation stone. Lower insert:  The Gambia minister of Interior Hon Seyaka Sonko hands over the title deed to African Union Commission Vice Chairperson Dr. Monique Nsanzabaganwa as ACHPR Chairperson Remy Ngoy Lumbu (right) looks on. Photo: Secretariat.