Network of African National Human Rights Institutions

Priorities & Strategic Objectives

These objectives are derived from the Constitution and the assessment of the priority areas of the members. Implementation of the Strategic Plan is achieved through development of annual work plans based on the thematic areas of focus of NANHRI

NANHRI’s Goals & objectives

NANHRI’s goals and objectives as per its 2021- 2025 strategic plan are drawn from the Network’s Constitution and constitute a statement of purpose for the organization. Stakeholders have validated them almost universally and therefore they have been retained as defined Strategic Priorities.

The Plan

The plan identifies a series of strategic objectives that the Network will pursue in attempting to meet these priorities. The objectives represent areas in which the Network intends to concentrate its efforts in the coming years and thus serve to clarify the priorities identified.

Strategic Objectives

The strategic Objectives to be pursued by NANHRI in the strategic period 2021 – 2025 include:

1. Enhance the capacity of NHRIs in Africa to deliver on their mandate

2. Enhance the promotion, protection and fulfilment of human rights in Africa

3. Enhance the organizational development and institutional sustainability of NANHRI