Network of African National Human Rights Institutions

Conflict and Peace Building

Strengthening the role of NHRIs in conflict prevention, resolution and peace‐building with a focus on East African Community NHRIs

Conflict and Peace Building
Key milestones:
  • A baseline survey was conducted and a report titled ‘The Role of National Human Rights Institutions in Conflict Management, Resolution and Peace Building ‐ A Baseline Survey of the East African Situation’ was produced in 2012.
  • After consultations on the Baseline Survey report, a 3 year Action Plan for East African Community NHRIs on Conflict Management, Resolution and Peace building’ in 2013 was adopted .This resulted into; a forum seeking to re‐evaluate the status of the implementation, country by country and collectively and a peer to peer exchange and capacity building workshop on the role of NHRIs in the electoral process that was held in early 2015.
  • The workshop yielded country specific action plans as well as a collective action plan on the steps that NHRIs in the sub-region would take to augment their involvement in the electoral process in their respective countries and in the sub-region.